Defining Sustainability in your Brand

With the surge of the importance of sustainability not just in our products, but also in the way we produce those products, it is easy for companies to claim sustainability. Certain products are easily identified as sustainable (think electric cars and stainless steel water bottles). However, our culture has increased the accountability of companies claiming to be sustainable, especially when you create a product that might not be immediately associated with a green, clean sustainable future. (Let’s face it, we all can’t make clothing from a straw bale, or shoes from old tires) But as a society, we want proof.

It’s no longer just about the products you make, or the way in which you make them. Now, sustainability is about who are as an organization and the belief and support system that illustrates to everyone you live and breathe sustainability as a culture. At PFB, our bottom line is underscored with the belief that we make sustainable products in the most sustainable way possible, by people who believe in making the most sustainable difference. Now we can easily sit behind a desk and write all sorts of press about our sustainability, but the proof is in the pudding so to speak. This is where the Global Reporting Initiative comes in to play. Every year we supply this organization with our sustainability numbers in our operations, and publicly post them to our website for all to see. Now you have a baseline to build from. Once you have the foundation of sustainability in your products and practices, turn your attention to people.

Who represents your brand? Your people do. So if you want sustainability associated with the definition of who you are as an organization, you start with the people. You may be surprised at the ideas percolating within your organization for ways to turn even the smallest every day activity into a sustainable action. Not only will you empower your employees to take initiatives and make a difference, but you create sustainability ambassadors, the same people who represent your brand, are an extension of your sustainability practices. When everyone is working towards a goal for change, when you have buy-in and support from those on the ground floor all the way to the top, it creates the culture of your brand. You now have living breathing messaging that your brand values the future and how your company impacts it.

A few years ago, PFB featured a sustainability initiative contest among all of its North American locations, imploring its people to think outside the box, and generate sustainability ideas that could be implemented within the organization. It was a hit. The participation was like no other contest before it. Why? Because the concept touched every single person regardless of whether they worked on the manufacturing floor or sales, human resources, and more. Sustainability touches every single one of us. When a corporation understands and listens to the ideas of all involved in the process, it broadens the scope of possibilities for change and enhances the belief in the brand.

People want to make a difference, and by implementing sustainability initiatives within your organization it helps show them they make an impact. I encourage you, no I CHALLENGE you to try it. Call out to the people who make your brand what it is. You will be surprised how innovative and creative your organization can be when you put your faith in the people who don’t just make your products, but make your brand, and therefore make a difference.

Want to see our sustainability reporting? Take a look today at

Sustainability, It’s not as spooky as it seems…

Sometimes the word Sustainability brings about visions of mass recycling centers, large under-takings, added time to your daily routine, and more. While many of us desire to live a greener lifestyle, preserve the planet, and add to a general sense of sustainable life, it can seem daunting at times.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Think of sustainability less as an immediate overhaul, and more as a process. Anyone from a large corporation to a college student in their dorm room can practice sustainability in small steps. It’s through all the small steps that the impact begins. When you make changes in the smallest details of your life or the way you conduct business, you are making an impact.

Let’s take the college student for a moment. According to Boston College, the average college student goes through about 320 pounds of paper, PER YEAR. Imagine the impact if that college student recycled all those rough drafts instead of using them in the ever popular waste basket basketball. Small steps, Big impact.

Large corporations don’t have to set out to turn the tide right away and completely change the culture of their company. Little incentives that encourage employee buy in for things like riding their bike to work, or using reusable water bottles all will begin to change the corporate culture and create the platform for larger sustainable change.

Small steps in sustainability
So as you ponder what types of small steps you can take in your sustainable journey, let’s look ahead to a mere two weeks from now to Halloween where we have everything from costumes to candy to decorations. Each one of the elements can be a part of your sustainable process. Instead of buying the costumes in the store, get creative! Assemble or make your own costumes from household items. The same goes for Decorations. Do-it-yourselfers everywhere have the ability to create beautiful decorations, and we all have Pinterest to thank for the inspiration.

As you can see, sustainability isn’t scary or daunting, it’s a process. Start small, and you will make an impact.

Small steps to sustainability

About PFB Corporation: PFB is a North American manufacturer of insulating building products committed to long-term sustainability. The PFB product offering represents “Better Building Ideas” because our brands, when used alone or more effectively integrated together as building systems, provide excellent insulating qualities in a cost effective way that reduce energy consumption in the heating and cooling of buildings in which they are incorporated. All PFB products coupled with their policy to pursue sustainable development goals in all our activities, will provide economic and environmental benefits to all their stakeholders.

Next Week….How to Make Your Own Halloween Decorations with Plasti-Fab EPS Foam | |